OpenSprinkler opensource code is now openhardware.


The original Ray Wang OpenSprinkler  rel.2.1.6 has been ported to ESP8266 and to ESP32 and it is working with several tipe of DIY hardware configurations:

 ESP32 and ESP8266 processors       

 Work with 24v valves , 9v latching valves and SmatSolenoid valves(ESP32 version)

 Shift register or I2cExpander or Relay Board  configurations for valve control

 Display on 4*20 or 2*20 char LCD or Oled Graphic LCD(128*64)…new hw to come

  Buttons on GPIO or I2cExpander or analog IO

 Ethernet WiFi and Ethernet wired connections (ESP32 version only)

  24v ac, 5v dc, LIPO battery as a power supply

 A solar panel+ LIPO battery autonomous power supply

The develpment Roadmap

From January 2016 2.1.6 version to last ESP32 November 2017 release

By Paolo Becchi

This is  Roadmap of the ESP OpenSprinkler development

January 2016

We started from a branch of OpenSprinkler 2.1.6 firmware for port of the code to an Arduino Mega with relay for valve control

July 2016

First release of Esp8266 OpenSprinkler code with the use of i2c expander modules and other HW components

September 2016

Added use of WiFi manager portal to select WiFi network access point and password. 

March 2017

Added possibility to use of a graphic Oled LCD 128*64

April 2017

Added capability to drive 9v latching valves

May 2017

Release of a Solar battery powered OpenSprinkler to drive 9v valves (there is no need of any power connections)

August 2017

First release of a ESP32 OpenSprinkler firmware

January 2018

Capability to use Bluetooth peripherals

March 2018

 Esp32 OpenSprinkler to drive SmartSolenoid valves